{"Bandwidth:":"2 GHz","Scope Type:":"Bench","Sampling Rate:":"10 GSPS","Kit Contents:":"One 1GHz TPP1000 Passive Probe Per Channel (10:1), NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Software, DPOJET Essentials and SR-CUST Custom Aerial Analysis Kit, 119-6107-xx Stylus, Certificate of Calibration","Supply Voltage Min:":"100 V","Product Range:":"DPO5000B Series","Scope Channels:":"4 Analogue","Supply Voltage Max:":"240 V","Input Impedance:":"1 Mohm","Display Memory Depth:":"50 Mpts","Calculated Rise Time:":"175 ps","SVHC:":"To...
1467 Bytes - 21:58:06, 13 June 2024